BTC Dritter Semester Computer PDF

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Table of contents

How exactly the chart has to look like will be explained in the next flag. An algorithm will calculate the best mapping of the students to the advanced seminars or laboratory courses, taking into account the individual ranking. The individual Ranking Excel-chart.

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Important Information. How to get a seat: The lecturers are allowed to offer up to 6 places in the advanced seminars to particularly interested students. If so, only 8 places will be assigned by the algorithm. The lecturer can select people from this list of applicants only.

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Otherwise the lecturer may nit find you and selects somebody else Please note: some advanced seminars or lab courses habe obligatory prerequisites. If you do not fulfill these prerequisites the lecturer can suspend you from participation even when you have got a seat. Exam Registration: The exam registration has to be done by the students during the general exam registration period of the University of Stuttgart in the C mpus system.

For the advanced seminar there is a specific place holder in each program "seminar INFOTECH" or "advanced seminar compoter science". You have to find this is your program and register with the correct examiner. For lab courses often there is a place holder as well, i. When in doubt which course to register for, please contact Katrin Schneider. De-registration: A de-registration from any of the courses without consequences is only possible until 14 days after the internal distribution of the topics of the respective course.

Any de-registration after the end of the exam registration period leads to a "fail" in the course as well as to the consequences mentioned under section 3. Any de-registration or disappearing later than 14 days after the distribution of the course topics and previous to the start of the exam registration period causes that the student will only get a place on a waiting list on any further registration to this course type for the next 2 semesters. A de-registration due to illness has to be approved by the examinations board. If the examinations board gives the permission to de-register, this will not lead to the consequences mentioned in the section above.

Behavioral Software Engineering English PDF Lecturer: Graziotin further seats will be available via the registration in C mpus.

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Computational Cognitive Science English PDF Lecturer: Ehinger further seats will be available via the registration in C mpus. Deep Learning for Human Computer Interaction English PDF Lecturer: Staab, Aspandi further seats will be available via the registration in C mpus. Future Computing English PDF Lecturer: Amrouch further seats will be available via the registration in C mpus.

Intelligent Designs for Machine Learning English PDF Lecturer: Amrouch further seats will be available via the registration in C mpus. Software Engineering for AI-Based Systems English PDF Lecturer: Wagner, Wyrich, Bogner further seats will be available via the registration in C mpus. Visualization and Machine Learning English PDF Lecturer: Sedlmair, Koch further seats will be available via the registration in C mpus.

Practical Course Information Systems: Data-intensive Computing English PDF Lecturer: Mitschang, Schwarz. Practical Course Visual Computing English PDF Lecturer: Ertl, Reina Hint: Not for INFOTECH! Ansprechpartnerin Anmeldung Haupt- Seminare und Fachpraktika. Katrin Schneider Program Manager for all programs of the Computer Science Department; Department Manager; Erasmus-Coordinator.

To the top of the page. Michael Backes und Mitarbeitern beider Lehrstühle Förderpreis Innovation und Qualität in der Lehre der Universität Paderborn, , gemeinsam mit Prof. Gudrun Oevel.

Ausgewählte Vorträge IT-Sicherheitsanforderungen für elektronische Akten. Vortrag, Symposium Elektronische Personalakte des Instituts für Rechtsinformatik und der Staatskanzlei des Saarlandes. Berlin, November Grenzen und Risiken der Blockchain-Technologie. Eingeladener Vortrag, Symposium: Anwendung der Blockchain-Technologie auf die öffentliche Verwaltung, Universität Speyer, 3. November IT-Sicherheit bei Gerichten und beim elektronischen Anwaltspostfach. Eingeladener Vortrag, Tagung E-Justice, Universität Speyer, Oktober Social Media Monitoring der öffentlichen Verwaltung.

Teilnahme an der Panel-Diskussion, Zukunftskongress Staat und Verwaltung unter Schirmherrschaft des Bundesministeriums des Innern, Berlin, Juni Health Data in the IoT - a Privacy Nightmare? Eingeladener Vortrag, Trust in the Digital World Conference, Den Haag, Juni Informatik und Recht - ein Traumpaar findet zueinander? Festvortrag, Absolventenfeier Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Mai Security and Privacy in the Smart Grid. Eingeladener Vortrag, German American Smart Grid Symposium, German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest, Chicago, September Juni Bitcoin's Peer-to-Peer System.

Eingeladener Vortrag, Königlich Niederländische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Amsterdam, Februar Eingeladener Vortrag, Fifth International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences, Nanning, China, Dezember IT-Systeme mit einfachen Mitteln angreifen und schützen. Impulsreferat, Roundtable des Wiener Zentrums für Rechtsinformatik, Wien, 2.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Sorge

Die Zukunft des Bezahlens. Eingeladener Vortrag, Graduiertenkolleg "Cooperative, Adaptive and Responsive Monitoring in Mixed Mode Environments", TU Darmstadt, November Privacy and Data Protection in the Internet of Things. Keynote auf dem 2nd International Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Networks Security MWNS'09 , co-located with IFIP Networking , Aachen, Mai Integrating Sensor Networks into the Future Internet: A Security Perspective. Vortrag beim Treffen der ITG-Fachgruppe 5.

ITG-Fachtagung Zukunft der Netze - Auf dem Weg zu Web 2. November Elektronische Signaturen durch elektronische Agenten. Vortrag bei der Sitzung des Fachausschusses Vertragsrecht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik e.